Revisiting My Most Recent Project

Daily Standup

After finishing the client site mockup yesterday I went back to my most recent project—it’s the one I wrote from scratch using CSS Grid. While it looked fine in the state I last wrapped it up in, there were definitely some things I wanted to improve on.

Refactoring Layout

For example I built a post archive page with search functionality, but from the way I wrote the initial layout, it would have required a lot of changes to add the one more link into the navigation menu. Not to mention adding a section to the home page..and a big call to action footer section (which would also be a sidebar when looking at post pages). Lots of breaking changes, based on how I wrote the grid!

So every time I sat down to tweak a little thing here or there, I kept going back and forth on how I should implement it. So today I spent a few hours laying the site out in Figma, both the desktop and mobile views, and a few of the pages. It really helped to tweak things in Figma and get it looking how I wanted it.

Once I had the layout set I started working on implementing…started with the nav bar. One thing I need to figure out is how to use SVG images inline in the navigation. I tried a few things that didn’t work so will need to figure that out. For now I’m using Font Awesome icons, but I’d really rather not add in 3 huuuuuge CSS files just to use 2 icons so I’ll need to fix that. Plus I’ll learn more about working with SVG!

Other Stuff

Gorgeous run today!!

Up Next

With the layout set I think I can wrap up this site by the end of the week. Dependent on work that comes in for the other project of course. Fingers crossed!