Sequelize CLI Quick Reference


I found this video to be very helpful for getting a start with using Sequelize CLI. I think I watched it at least 20 times to view and review the information. So for posterity’s sake and to avoid shuttling through this video again in the future, here is my summary:

Sequelize Migrations are useful because they let you change the structure of your database tables after they have already been created, even if they contain data. The changes are incremental and reversible (though it’s important to note, dropping existing data during a migration is not reversible).

A migration must contain an up function (the change you want to make) and a down function (the code to undo the same change). The migrations make use of Sequelize’s QueryInterface API to do things like bulkInsert, addColumn, or changeColumn, etc.

Sequelize CLI Commands

sequelize db:migrate Run pending migrations
sequelize db:migrate:schema:timestamps:add Update migration table to have timestamps
sequelize db:migrate:status List the status of all migrations
sequelize db:migrate:undo Reverts a migration
sequelize db:migrate:undo:all Revert all migrations ran
sequelize db:seed:undo Deletes data from the database
sequelize db:seed:all Run every seeder
sequelize db:seed --seed XXXX-file.js Run specified seeder
sequelize db:seed:undo:all Deletes data from the database
sequelize db:seed:undo --seed XXXX-file.js Deletes specified seeder
sequelize db:create Create database specified by configuration
sequelize db:drop Drop database specified by configuration
sequelize init Initializes project
sequelize init:config Initializes configuration
sequelize init:migrations Initializes migrations
sequelize init:models Initializes models
sequelize init:seeders Initializes seeders
sequelize migration:generate Generates a new migration file [aliases: migration:create]
sequelize model:generate Generates a model and its migration [aliases: model:create]
sequelize seed:generate Generates a new seed file [aliases: seed:create]

--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number

Setting Up a Project Using Sequelize CLI With Migrations

I wrote up a detailed step-by-step in this post. The short version is as follows…

Creating a Model

A model and create migration file can be created with one command:

sequelize model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string,registered:boolean,age:integer

This command creates the basic structure of each file. Add any modifications (such as validations, constraints, etc.) to both the model file and the migration file if necessary.

Add associations to the model file.

Run the db:migrate command to persist the model(s) to the database, and db:migrate:undo to reverse the changes.

Modify A Table With A Migration

Create a new migration with a similar command to:

sequelize migration:create --name add-title-to-todos

The file will be an empty structure and you will need to fill in the migration instructions. Here is an example of a migration that will add a new column to the data table:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
up: function (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
queryInterface.addColumn('Todos', 'title', {
type: Sequelize.STRING

down: function (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
queryInterface.removeColumn('Todos', 'title');

Don’t forget to also update the model file manually. Sequelize CLI does not automatically update the model when a structure-changing migration is run against the model.