CSS Site - Prefixes & More

Daily Standup

I got a lot more work done on the new site today. It was a lot of little tweaks but aggregated I’d say I made some good progress (I hope?!).

So now the site is completely responsive, although now I’m working on collapsing the nav menu for small screens, and something with the spacing is off so I’ll need to figure that out tomorrow.

I also learned a bit about browser support for CSS and all of the prefixes that need to be used. There are a lot! But I found some good tools (Prefixer tool and Should I Prefix) that can help with this. Although I think it will be even better once I start using build tools that can do it automatically.

I also sorted out all the meta tags so that the site content will look as it should for Twitter, Facebook links, etc.

Other Stuff

I saw an awesome play tonight!! The Imposter–seriously so good.

Up Next

Tomorrow I finish up with the nav, and then lots of other things. The to-do list seems to be growing faster than the done list! But I think I will do an initial deploy test run tomorrow or the day after so that I have time to work out those kinks.