Express-less Node.js Server Part 2


Creating & Routing A Node Server …continued

Today I picked up where I left off yesterday, and got the query from the URL parameters to persist as a JSON object. I learned about the Object.assign() method which does the trick. After creating an empty object as a global variable (var db = {}), you can assign data to a target: Object.assign(target, data). So for this server I added this into the routing logic to produce the desired result:

// Handle routes
if (pathname === "/set") { // SET sends params to JSON object
db = Object.assign(db, query);
resMessage = "You have stored " + JSON.stringify(query) + " in memory.";
} else if (pathname === "/get") { // GET finds params from JSON object
var key = query.key;
var value = db[key];
resMessage = "The value of '" + key + "' is: " + value;

So that’s the challenge done! The full code is in this gist.

Other Stuff

I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out how to take Git Code Lens annotations out of the editor in VS Code. For future reference: shift + alt + b!!!!

Up Next

Deploy my value app without the delete function. Hoping I can get that working at some meetups this week, but I’m overdue in trying to deploy on AWS so I will do that first.