More GHC Prep

Daily Standup

Working on a bit more prep for GHC since my trip was delayed by a day (dental emergency šŸ˜·).

Getting in the Mindset

There is so much going on during the conference that I already have big time FOMO since itā€™s literally not possible to take part in everything. So instead Iā€™ve been getting super clear on what I do want to do to make sure I at least donā€™t miss out on that stuff.

Going through the links I previously posted has helped. From one of those I also found a GHC prep worksheet with some good prompting questions to ask afterwards. Iā€™m also trying to narrow down who I want to meet, how I want to introduce myself, etc.

ā€¦And Also The Logistics

I also got some of the basics coveredā€¦bought some snacks, packed layers and a water bottle, etc. Figured out how to get around Houston. Ahhhh here it comes itā€™s time!!